Month2Month Concessions

Month2Month Concessions are a great option if you’re a frequent rider here at the Avantidrome.

Providing better value than our casual rate, they’ll see you right over a month for any open or coached sessions offered by the Avantidrome – whatever the length of the session. Gone are the days of the Avantidozen that meant a visit off your dozen was = 1 hour only.

We have options to suit your time commitments. You know how it goes, the more you ride, the more you save.

  • Provides you with access to any Avantidrome open or coached session (excluding Specialist coached sessions and programmes)
  • No session length restrictions
  • Easy booking online or via our mobile app
  • Save up to $17.50 per session (based on the casual rate for a 120min class)
  • Available for purchase at reception or online via our 


Month2Month Regular Concession
  • Entitles you to 6 sessions every 31 days
  • Cost: $79
  • Expires 30 days after purchase, at which time you can purchase another any time you choose.


Month2Month Super Concession
  • Entitles you to 10 sessions every 31 days
  • Cost: $125
  • Expires 30 days after purchase, at which time you can purchase another any time you choose.


The fine print:

  • Month2Month concessions are only available to ACCREDITED RIDERS.
  • Month2Month concessions provide you with access to Avantidrome open or coached sessions but exclude Specialist coached sessions and programmes such as (but not limited to) specialist gates, specialist derny, specialist sprint sessions and programmes.
  • Month2Month concessions are valid for a 31 day period from date of purchase. We will not be obliged to give you a refund or credit if you fail to use all of the concessions in the 31 day period.
  • Concessions are not transferable.
  • In special circumstances such as illness or injury, your concession may be placed on hold for up to 60 days. This can be arranged by contacting , Programmes & Events Manager, for approval.
  • You must comply with any rules as displayed on site at the Avantidrome and/or on our website, and instructions of our staff.
  • By purchasing a Month2Month concession it is deemed you acknowledge and understand that from time to time, the track will NOT be available for use. This will occur during major events where the track is booked by third parties. The Home of Cycling also reserves the right to remain closed on Public Holidays.